Welcome to the home of Maria Regina Cleri
We are a Catholic apostolate whose mission is to encourage prayerful support of the ministerial priesthood and prayerful promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. We are happy to offer resources to help you join us in the movement to support our priests with the power of prayer.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Maria Regina Cleri is to encourage prayerful support of the ministerial priesthood and prayerful promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.
Latest News
New Priests Ordained by the Pope
Pope Francis ordained nine new priests, marking the Church's World Day of Vocations. Read more about this story.Â
French Priest’s Sainthood Cause Opened
French Catholic bishops have approved the opening of the beatification cause of a little-known-but-quietly-influential Dominican priest, Father Marie-Étienne Vayssière (1864-1940). [...]
“Fearless” Cameroon Cardinal Dies on Good Friday
Cameroon’s Cardinal Christian Wiyghan Tumi on April 3 at the age of 91. The archbishop-emeritus of Douala was the only Cameroonian [...]