Welcome to the home of Maria Regina Cleri
We are a Catholic apostolate whose mission is to encourage prayerful support of the ministerial priesthood and prayerful promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. We are happy to offer resources to help you join us in the movement to support our priests with the power of prayer.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Maria Regina Cleri is to encourage prayerful support of the ministerial priesthood and prayerful promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.
Latest News
Three sisters called to be nuns in the same order
Sister Mariana, Sister Roziane, and Sister Isabela Guimaraes are three blood sisters who embraced their call to religious life in [...]
Pope Francis: The devil tempts priests with hidden idols
In his address at the Chrism Mass during Holy Week, Pope Francis warned priests about the temptation of “hidden idols” [...]
Priests can also suffer demonic obsessions
Msgr. Stephen Rossetti details how priests are often the target of the enemy in this post on his blog. Another [...]